Hit Rates Report
Measuring the success of sales and marketing efforts is a hot topic in the A/E/C industries and often calls for an evaluation of hit rates. However, the way firms calculate this metric varies, making it diffcult to create an industry standard. In March of 2015, the SMPS Foundation began a collaboration with the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Master of Marketing Research program to understand the tools and processes that companies use to track their success on winning projects. The university, one of only a few that offer this type of marketing research program, provided the SMPS Foundation with third-party qualitative and quantitative research to study hit rates and how they are calculated among different firms, as well as to identify other types of key metrics used to improve future performance. SMPS members recieve a complimentary download of the report once they log into the website. Non-members may download the document with a donation of $24.95.